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Olivet University's Information Technology Curriculum educates and trains individuals for the design and utilization of hardware and software in existing and future digitalized systems used by Christian organizations and churches.
There is a demand among Christian groups for professionals who may work beyond the corporate structure of current technology corporations. Especially students who are interested in volunteering their time, or working for non-profit organizations on stipends, can learn about existing technology being utilized by churches and Christian corporations worldwide.
Students are allowed to expand their breadth of knowledge through humanities, social science, and life sciences curriculum. They are also expected to gain core spiritual knowledge through basic Biblical studies courses.
The main foci in this curriculum are courses in software engineering, internet technologies, and server architecture. All which emphasize programming in various languages, data structure and theory, computer architecture, operating systems, computer modeling, internet topics, and networking.
With these as a foundation, students are prepared to integrate technology and/or the internet into the church and other Christian organizations today.
Undergraduate Education
Olivet Institute of Technology (OIT) strives to equip believers with a sound Biblical higher education, as well as cutting-edge knowledge and professional skills in the field of information technology. Students who graduate from the undergraduate degree in Information Technology Program are prepared to work in ministry environments that will enhance the ability of the Christian community to harness the power of information technology.
Bachelor of Arts in Information Technology
The Bachelor of Arts in Information Technology degree program is designed to equip ministry-bound men and women with a Biblical postsecondary education that incorporates an understanding of information technology necessary for professional ministry service in a new era of networks.
Program Goals
In the context of Olivet's mission, completion of the Bachelor of Arts in Information Technology degree program will provide students with:
- An in-depth understanding of computing and mathematics, and their application to the discipline of Information Technology
- The ability to analyze complex problems and identify appropriate computing solutions
- The capability to design, develop, and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, components, or programs to meet specific needs
- Collaborative skills to work effectively in teams and achieve common goals
- An awareness of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues, and the responsibilities that come with them
- Exceptional communication skills, to effectively convey ideas to a diverse audience
- A deep understanding of the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society
- A commitment to ongoing professional development
- Proficiency in the latest techniques, skills, and tools used in computing practices
- Expertise in the core information technologies of human-computer interaction, information management, programming, networking, web and mobile systems, computer graphics, and data science
- The ability to identify and understand user needs, and to factor them into the selection, creation, evaluation, and administration of computer-based systems
- Proficiency in integrating IT-based solutions into the user environment
- A thorough knowledge of best practices and standards in the field
- The ability to contribute to project planning and management
- A passion for applying new and emerging technologies to mission-driven initiatives
Graduation Requirements
Undergraduate students must fulfill the following Bachelor's degree requirements for graduation:
- Pass a total of 184 quarter hours: 108 quarter hours of bachelor of arts core courses, 58 quarter hours of information technology major courses, 14 units of major electives, 4 units of ministry practicum courses, and 4 units of open electives.
- Maintain a 2.00 (C grade point average) in all Olivet University courses.
- Receive a passing mark for all Christian Service requirements.
- Satisfactorily complete a final project and final portfolio.
- Students are subject to the Bachelor of Arts in Information Technology degree requirements of the catalog of the year in which they entered.
- Satisfy all financial responsibilities to the university.
Time Limits
The Bachelor of Arts degree program usually is completed in four years of full time study, regardless of the first major chosen. All requirements for the degree must be completed within six years of the initial date of enrollment, except under extenuating circumstances. Students who have not completed the requirements within the six years period must apply to the Registrar's Office for a continuation for each year beyond this period, up to a maximum of eight years from the initial date of enrollment.
1. Bachelor of Arts Degree Core (No less than 108 units required)
The Bachelor of Arts Degree Core is divided into three main areas: (1) Bible & Theology Core; (2) General Education; and (3) General Ministry Skills. See “Bachelor of Arts Degree Core Curriculum” section for the comprehensive course list.
I. Bible & Theology Core (48 units)
II. General Education (60 units)
The following seven mathematics and science courses in B.A. Core Distribution are required prerequisites for B.A.IT major courses.
- CHEM210 Chemistry 1 (4 units)
- MATH100 Calculus I (5 units)
- MATH110 Calculus II (5 units)
- MATH230 Probability & Statistics (4 units)
- MATH300 Linear Algebra (4 units)
- PYHS130 Calculus-Based Physics 1 (4 units)
- SOCI150 Research & Writing (4 units)
III. General Ministry Skills (0 units)
Undergraduate students must register for PRAC011 College Chapel every quarter they are enrolled. To pass chapel, students must achieve a score of at least 70% on their chapel assignments. Undergraduate students who fail chapel four times or more are ineligible to graduate. Failing chapel may result in disciplinary action by the campus chaplaincy. Potential consequences include a warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal. Please refer to the Chapel Program Handbook for more detailed information.
Undergraduate students are required to pass six quarters of PRAC010 College Christian Service to be eligible for graduation. To pass Christian service, students must achieve a score of at least 70% on their Christian service assignments. Please refer to the Christian Service Program Handbook for more detailed information.
2. Information Technology Major Courses (58 units)
Students must complete 58 units of information technology major courses, including 50 units of required core courses, and 8 units of senior project.
a.) Required Core Courses (50 units)
Students must complete the following required major courses.
- ITEC100 Introduction to Information Technology (4 units)
- ITEC120 Programming Fundamentals and Data Structures (4 units)
- ITEC220 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (4 units)
- ITEC230 Introduction to Operating Systems (4 units)
- ITEC240 Computer Networking (4 units)
- ITEC300 Introduction to Database Management Systems (4 units)
- ITEC310 Website Technologies & Development I (4 units)
- ITEC320 Software Engineering (4 units)
- ITEC340/341 Introduction to IOS Programming/ Android Programming (4 units)
- ITEC370 Software Analysis and Design (4 units)
- ITEC401 Network and Information Security (4 units)
- ITEC410 Website Technologies & Development II (4 units)
- ITEC470 Technology and Theology (2 units)
b.) Senior Project (8 units)
- ITEC490 IT Senior Project I (2 units)
- ITEC499 IT Senior Project II (6 units)
Note: Please refer to the Senior Project Handbook for detailed information.
3. Major Electives (14 units)
Students are required to complete 14 units of major elective courses among the course offerings of OIT and from the list below, depending on availability.
General Information Technology course (10 units)
- ITEC140 Practical Unix/Linux (4 units)
- ITEC217 Introduction to Big Data and Data Mining (4 units)
- ITEC220 Mathematical Foundations of Computing (4 units)
- ITEC317 Introduction to Machine Learning (4 units)
- ITEC327 Fundamentals of Computer Vision (4 units)
- ITEC330 Principle of Software Development (4 unit)
- ITEC337 Introduction to Natural Language Processing (4 unit)
- ITEC350 Human Computer Interaction (4 units)
- ITEC360 Algorithm Analysis and Design (4 units)
- ITEC420 Introduction to Statistics for Computer Scientist (4 units)
- ITEC430 Introduction to E-commerce Systems (4 units)
- ITEC480 IT Senior Seminar (2 units)
Ministry Practicum Course (4 units)
Students are required to fulfill four credits (1 credit per quarter) out of the following six supervised practical training courses during their third and fourth academic years in the related ministry field to meet the graduation requirements.
- ITMP301 Technology Practical Training I (1 unit)
- ITMP302 Technology Practical Training II (1 unit)
- ITMP303 Technology Practical Training III (1 unit)
- ITMP401 Technology Practical Training IV (1 unit)
- ITMP402 Technology Practical Training V (1 unit)
- ITMP403 Technology Practical Training VI (1 unit)
4. Open Electives (4 units)
Students can choose 4 units of open elective courses from other majors and colleges.
Undergraduate Course List
ITEC100 Introduction to Information Technology (4 units)
This course surveys foundational elements of current information technology/systems. Topics include current IT introduction, computers organizations and systems, program language, database management, network concepts, IT personal, legal, ethical and organizational issues, information security, internet & web, e-commerce, ERP, emerging trends, etc.
ITEC120 Programming Fundamentals and Data Structures (4 units)
This course introduces the basic concepts of computer development and programming applications with various data structures and algorithms. Topics include fundamental data types; flow of control statements (conditional, loop); functions; arrays; data structures; file I/O; class and object concepts, etc. Basics of Python, or C, will be introduced in the course.
ITEC140 Practical Unix/Linux (4)
This course introduces fundamental concepts of Unix/Linux and its programming interfaces. Topics include system call interfaces, files, terminal control and signals, process control and communications, resource sharing. Programming will be done using Unix/Linux Shell script and C programming.
ITEC220 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (4 units)
This course introduces object-oriented programming, using object-oriented techniques and Java language. Classes, overloading, information hiding, polymorphism, inheritance, and overriding will be described.
Prerequisites: ITEC120
ITEC230 Introduction to Operating Systems (4 units)
This course introduces modern operating systems. We will focus on UNIX-based operating systems, though we will also learn about alternative operating systems, including Windows. The course will begin with an overview of the structure of modern operating systems. Over the course of the subsequent units, we will discuss the history of modern computers, analyze in detail each of the major components of an operating system (from processes to threads), and explore more advanced topics in the field, including memory management and file input/output. The class will conclude with a discussion of various system-related security issues.
Prerequisites: ITEC120
ITEC240 Computer Networking (4 units)
This course introduces current network technologies. Topics include network architectures and protocols, application layer, TCP/IP model, link layer and LAN, and network security.
Prerequisites: ITEC230
ITEC300 Introduction to Database Management Systems (4 units)
Introduction to the foundations of database systems. It covers the fundamental concepts of database systems. Topics include data models, query languages, Database Application Development, Relational Database Design and Normalization, implementation techniques of database management systems (index structures, concurrency control, recovery, and query processing).
Prerequisites: ITEC120
ITEC120 Programming Fundamentals and Data Structures (4 units)
This course introduces the basic concepts of computer development and programming applications with various data structures and algorithms. Topics include fundamental data types; flow of control statements (conditional, loop); functions; arrays; data structures; file I/O; class and object concepts, etc. Basics of Python, or C, will be introduced in the course.
Prerequisites: ITEC120
ITEC310 Website Technologies & Development I (4 units)
Study of current Web development technologies on both web server side and client side, programming development using XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL.
Prerequisites: ITEC120
ITEC320 Software Engineering (4 units)
This course introduces software life cycle model, software development environment, project management, software requirements and specifications, software design and architecture, and software maintenance.
Prerequisites: ITEC220
ITEC330 Principles of Software Development (4 units)
This course studies software development fundamentals and principles. Different software development processes and models will be discussed, with a primary focus on Agile software development. It covers how to use Agile software development principles and tools, such as Test-Driven Development (TDD), Behavior-Driven Design (BDD), User Stories, lo-fi UI Sketching, and Version Control using Git, etc., to develop, test, and deploy a modern web-based software using Ruby on Rails framework.
Prerequisites: ITEC220
ITEC340 Introduction to IOS Programming (4 units)
In this course you'll learn the basics of creating original apps for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad using Xcode, the Swift language, and Cocoa Touch with the iOS SDK.
Prerequisites: ITEC220
ITEC341 Introduction to Android Programming (4 units)
Lecture will go over the key ideas and examples for building Android programs, leading to a programming exercise on the same material. The exercises should not be too hard, just giving you chance to apply what you just saw. Topics: Getting started: SDK, tooling, debugging, the emulator; Basic Program: activities, layouts, widgets, listeners, menu commands, intents, multiple views, built-in animations, simple persistence; Animation Program and Network Program.
Prerequisites: ITEC220
ITEC370 Software Analysis and Design (4 units)
Object-oriented techniques for specifying, designing, and implementing software systems. Topics include requirements capture and analyze, system analysis, design, and implementation. Primary emphasis on the UML methodology, separation of layers, design patterns, and the importance of these in developing software project. Students will design a major group project and implement portions using Ruby or Java.
Prerequisites: ITEC320
ITEC401 Network and Information Security (4 units)
The course covers principles of computer systems and network security. Various attack techniques and how to defend against them are discussed. Topics include network attacks and defenses, operating system security, web security, e-mail, botnet, malware, social engineering attacks, privacy, and digital rights management. Course projects will focus on building reliable code and understanding attacks. The course is intended for senior undergraduates and first year graduate students.
Prerequisites: ITEC240
ITEC410 Website Technologies & Development II (4 units)
This course studies how to build modern web-based application using high-productive Agile development iteration with Ruby On Rails. It focuses on Ruby language and the famous web framework Rails.
Common techniques used together with Agile development such as TDD and BDD and popular framework Rspec and Cucumber are introduced.
Prerequisites: ITEC310
ITEC420 Introduction to Statistics for Computer Scientist (4 units)
Statistics is about extracting meaning from data. In this course, we will introduce techniques for visualizing relationships in data and systematic techniques for understanding the relationships using mathematics. Topics include: counting and combinatory, random variables, conditional probability, independence, distributions, expectation, point estimation, and limit theorems. Applications of probability in computer science including machine learning and the use of probability in the analysis of algorithms.
Prerequisites: MATH230 Probability & Statistics
ITEC430 Introduction to E commerce Systems (4 units)
This course studies both business and technology elements of eCommerce. Topics include eCommerce models and concepts, eCommerce Infrastructure, E-commerce System Development, eCommerce Security and Payment systems, Mobile eCommerce characters and technology, Marketing concepts and communications, Ethical, Social and Political eCommerce issues, etc.
Prerequisites: MATH230 Probability & Statistics
ITEC470 Technology and Theology (2 units)
This course let students study technology and theology in both context. On one hand, students study the meaning of technology from the viewpoint of theology. They study why God allowed technology to begin and used, and study how God plan technology to develop. On the other hand, student will learn technology used by individual Christians, Churches, Christian organizations or Christian companies. Students learn its history, how it contributes for the kingdom of God, what kind of problems is seen in the usage of technology and how to solve it.
ITEC480 IT Senior Seminar (2 units)
This course will present current technology in the Computer Systems and Information Technology fields.
Prerequisites: approval from program director
ITEC490 IT Senior Project I (2 units)
First phase of Senior Project, which is designed to satisfy the requirements for a capstone experience of Bachelor of Arts degree in Information Technology. Student will identify capstone project topic, seek an advisor, write, and oral present and get approval a senior project proposal by the end of the process. Refer to the Senior Project Handbook for detailed information.
Prerequisites: Permission from the program director
ITEC499 IT Senior Project II (6 units)
Second phase of Senior Project, which is designed to satisfy the requirements for a capstone experience of Bachelor of Arts degree in Information Technology. Students will develop and implement the senior project, and writing a senior project paper in this phase. Students must have passed ITEC490 Senior Project I with an approved Senior Project Proposal before starting this phase. Refer to the Senior Project Handbook for detailed information.
Prerequisites: ITEC490 IT Senior Project I
PRAC302 IT Internship (4 units)
Undergraduate students in their third and fourth years of study may participate in an internship involving ministry in a church or specialized ministry organization with an approved OIT ministry affiliate for at least 8 hours per week each quarter. Emphasis is placed upon the development of practical ministry skills in the context of today's network generation; the integration of biblical and theological studies with actual ministry; and the importance of theological reflection in this process. Internships can run concurrently with the academic year.
The second part of this culminating learning experience provides opportunities to share, examine, and reflect upon internship experiences, and to revisit the theories and practices of the College discipline as they apply in the real world of the interns' specific placement. Interns also will focus on career planning and development.
Please refer to the Ministry Practice Handbook for detailed information.
Graduate Education
Olivet Institute of Technology offers graduate degree programs that provide students with the opportunity to continue their education beyond the graduate level in order to understand and expand their qualifications for many related vocations. With our accredited graduate degree programs, Olivet’s intentional attempt is to capture our mission in reaching the ‘network generation more completely, and at the same time to meet the needs of mission and ministry in the 21st century with cutting-edge technology.
OIT Students can choose among two degree programs, each accommodating for individuals in the areas of emphases and specializations.
- Master of Arts in Information Technology Program
Master of Arts in Information Technology
The Master of Arts in Information Technology (M.A. IT) is a two-year graduate degree program, designed to equip ministry-bound men and women with a broad knowledge and experience of principles and theories underlying applied information technology, as well as emerging technology and practices necessary for them to apply technologies to their ministry and businesses to solve complex problems.
The program balances theoretical and practical aspects of information technology with coursework, practicum and capstone projects. Team building and collaborative skills are emphasized in participating in-class and real-world projects. Independent problem-solving and analytical thinking skills are integrated throughout the curriculum.
The program is grounded in the underlying computer science principles and systems, emphasizing a concentration Web and Mobile Application Development. Course work includes operating systems, database systems, networking, Object-Oriented programming and methodologies, security, software development and engineering, distributed system and data analysis, etc.
The MAIT degree requires 56 units of course work, including 24 units of core studies, 20 units of concentration courses, and 11 units of capstone courses. Students are expected to complete all studies in 2 years full-time.
Students are required to finish a two-quarter process capstone projects during the 2nd year of study. Capstone project is an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge they acquire through Master’s coursework to a project of their own interest or sponsored by industry. The goal of the Capstone is for students to synthesize, integrate, and apply the skills and competencies they have acquired, to a real world IT problem of their choosing.
Program Goals
In the context of Olivet University’s mission, completion of the Master of Arts in Information Technology program will enable students to:
- Demonstrate a broad knowledge of principles and theories underlying applied information technology, including operating systems, database systems, computer networking, and object-oriented programming.
- Demonstrate a substantial knowledge of one of the following Information Technology concentrations: Networking & Security, Software Engineering, and Web & Mobile Development.
- Evaluate business requirements, design and develop applications using modern software engineering concepts, techniques, practices, and tools.
- Work effectively within a team, including communicating effectively with both technical and non-technical audiences
- Analyze and develop solutions to real world problems based on current and emerging practices and technologies.
- Value and seek opportunities to apply new or emerging technologies to solve problems in mission-related settings
Graduation Requirements
Graduate students at Olivet University must fulfill the following Master of Arts in Information Technology degree requirements for graduation:
- Pass a total of 56 quarter hours: 20 quarter hours of core required studies, 12 quarter hours of concentration courses, 6 quarter hours of practical training, 10 quarter hours of open electives, and 8 quarter hours of capstone projects.
- Demonstrate proficiency in Bible knowledge with a passing score on the written comprehensive examination in the area of Bible knowledge or required coursework (THEO200 and THEO210) in Bible and theology.
- Maintain a 3.00 (B grade point average) in all Olivet University work.
- Receive a passing mark for all Christian Service and Chapel requirements.
- Satisfactorily complete capstone projects and the final report.
- Complete all degree requirements within the 5-year time limit unless extenuating circumstances exist.
- Satisfy all financial responsibilities to the university.
Students are subject to the Master of Arts in Information Technology degree requirements of the Catalog of the year in which they entered.
Time Limits
The Master of Arts degree program is normally fulfilled in two (2) years of study. Except under extenuating circumstances, all requirements for the degree must be completed within four (4) years of the date of enrollment. Students who have not completed the requirements within the four-year period must petition for extension every term, up to a maximum of five (5) years from the date of enrollment, to remain in the program.
Prerequisite Courses
- ITEC110 Programming Fundamentals and Data Structures (4 units)
- ITEC120 Computer Organization and Systems (4 units)
- ITNS100 Network Concepts and Foundation (4 units)
Note: Those courses do not count towards degree requirements.
Core Required Studies (24 Units)
Students are required to take the following six core courses:
- ITEC500 Operating Systems (4 units)
- ITEC510 Database Systems (4 units)
- ITNS500 Computer Networking (4 units)
- ITWE500 Web Technology and Development (4 units)
- ITSE500 Object-Oriented Design and Programming (4 units)
- ITSE510 Principles of Software Development (4 units)
Open Electives (24 Units)
Students are required to take 24 units open elective courses from among the course offerings of OIT.
Web and Mobile Application Development Group
The Web & Mobile Application Development Group provides students a broad background of both client-side and server-side web applications development, and iOS & Android application development.
- ITWE510 Front-End Web Development (4 units)
- ITWE520 Web Application Development with Ruby on Rails (4 units)
- ITWE530 Web Services and SOA (4 units)
- ITWE550 Hybrid Mobile App Development (4 units)
- ITSE560 Android Programming (4 units)
- ITSE570 iOS App Development (4 units)
Network and Distributed Computing
The Network and Distributed Computing Group provides students to learn and build distributed and networked systems for clouds and big data.
- ITNS510 Computer Networking II (4 units)
- ITNS520 Network Security (4 units)
- ITNS530 Cloud Computing (4 units)
- ITNS540 Distributed Systems (4 units)
Data Science Group
The Data Science Group provides students the computational and statistical knowledge needed to turn big data into meaningful insights.
- ITDS500 Big Data (4 units)
- ITDS510 Data Mining (4 units)
- ITDS520 Statistical Computing with R (4 units)
- ITDS530 Machine Learning (4 units)
- ITDS540 Computer Vision (4 units)
- ITDS550 Natural Language Processing (4 units )
- ITDS560 Reinforcement Learning (4 units)
Computer and Data Security Group
The Computer and Data Science Group provides students the knowledge of computer security, web security, mobile security and data security
- ITSE500 Network Security II (4 units)
- ITSE510 Cryptography (4 units)
- ITSE520 Security Practice Labs (4 units)
- ITSE530 Cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and smart contracts (4 units)
- ITSE540 Advanced Reading in Security (4 units)
General Computer and Information Technologies
- ITEC501 Operating Systems II (4 units)
- ITEC511 Database Systems II (4 units)
- ITEC550 Information Storage and Retrieval (4 units)
- ITEC590 Algorithm Analysis (4 units)
- ITEC660 Seminar (can repeat once up to 4 units) (2 units)
- ITEC687 Graduate IT Independent Study (4 units)
Note: ITMP500 Ministry Practicum is only available for 2nd year master students. Please refer to the Ministry Practicum Handbook for detailed information.
Ministry Practicum
- ITMP500 Ministry Practicum * (4 units)
Capstone Project (8 Units)
- ITCP600 IT Capstone Project I (2 units)
- ITCP700 IT Capstone Project II (6 units)
- ITCP710 IT Capstone Project III (4 units)
Note 1: ITCP600/700 IT Capstone Project I/II are only available for 2nd year Master students.
Note 2: If IT Capstone II is not completed by the end of the quarter in which the student registers for credit, he/she will receive an incomplete ‘I’ grade. Students could register for ITCP710 IT Capstone Project III to continue. ITCP710 can be registered for up to 2 quarters.
Note 3: Please refer to the Capstone Project Handbook for detailed information.
General Ministry Skills (0 Units)
Students are required to pass 2 quarters of PRAC020 Graduate Christian Service and 3 quarters of PRAC021 Graduate Chapel.
Please refer to the Christian Service Program Handbook for more detailed information.
PhD in Information Technology
The Ph.D. in Information Technology program aims to train the next generation of Biblical scholars and leaders through an integrative approach to information technology education in preparation for global ministry in the 21st century and to increase the quantity and improve the quality of Olivet’s programs in the area of Information Technology where Olivet is being demanded by the ever-changing technology trend and great research and development needs of ministries. This program will lasts for typically five years with current diverse concentrations on computer programming and algorithm, server security and cloud computing, machine learning and data science, software engineering and computer graphics.
Graduate Course List
Courses in General Computer Science and Information Technology
ITEC500 and ITEC501 Operating Systems I & II (4)
Study operating system design and real-world operating system implementations i.e. Windows, Unix, Linux, and operating system in hand-held devices. Topics include operating systems history, operating system architectures, virtual machine implementations, process management and synchronization, storage and I/O management, networking and remote access, security, performance evaluation, operating system case studies, and contemporary operating systems offerings.
Prerequisites: Data Structures
ITEC510 Database Systems (4)
Architecture, design and implementation of current database systems. Topics include data models, query languages, relational database design and normalization, database integrity and security, query optimization, concurrent control, advance in distributed database, database management, emerging database techniques such as NoSQL, management of semistructured and complex data.
Prerequisites: Data Structures or Instructor’s Consent
ITDS537 Database Systems II (4)
Architecture, design and implementation of current database systems, database integrity and security, query optimization, concurrent control, advance in distributed database, database management.
Prerequisites: Data Structures or Instructor’s Consent
ITEC540 Human Computer Interaction (4)
Topics include human-centered design requirements, assessment of the impact of the design on performance and product satisfaction, analysis of the design effectiveness, investigation into the social impact of ubiquitous computing environments in relation to privacy, security, inequality, and embodiment.
ITEC550 and ITEC552 Information Storage and Retrieval I&II (2&4)
With the advent of Internet, the sheer amount of information has been increasing greatly, which requires automated retrieval techniques to be effective and efficient. This course covers such techniques, some of which have been evolving for the past decades and others having been around only since the introduction of the Web. The main topic areas are: analysis of text and storage of its content; ranking, query processing and retrieval models; evaluations; classification and clustering; and more contemporary issues such as social search and object search.
Prerequisites: Data Structures or Instructor’s Consent
ITEC560 Compilers (4)
This course covers both the principles and practice for the design and implementation of compilers and interpreters. Topics covered include: lexical analysis; parsing theory; symbol tables; type systems; scope; semantic analysis; intermediate representations; runtime environments; code generation; and basic program analysis and optimization. Students may optionally construct a compiler for a simple object-oriented language during the course's programming projects.
Prerequisites: OOP, OS
ITEC300 Introduction to Database Management Systems (4 units)
Introduction to the foundations of database systems. It covers the fundamental concepts of database systems. Topics include data models, query languages, Database Application Development, Relational Database Design and Normalization, implementation techniques of database management systems (index structures, concurrency control, recovery, and query processing).
Prerequisites: ITEC120
Courses in Network and Distributed Computing Concentration
ITNS500 and NS510 Computer Networking I & II (4)
Introduce current network technologies. Topics include network architectures and protocols, application layer, TCP/IP model, link layer and LAN, and network security
Prerequisites: Networking Fundamentals or Instructor’s consent
ITNS520 Network Security (4)
Study principles of secure network communications, access control, security policy; conformance of implementation to policy.
Discuss particular systems, protocols e.g., Kerberos, firewalls, various commercial standards.
Prerequisites: Networking Fundamentals
ITNS530 Wireless and Mobile Networking (4)
Study wireless network architectures – Cellular, WLAN, satellite systems, and mobile computing and its application design.
Prerequisites: Networking Fundamentals
ITNS540 and ITNS550 Distributed Systems I & II (4)
Study distributed system design and implementations, client-server and peer-to-peer systems, distributed communications, naming, synchronization, reliability, fault-tolerance, replication and consistency, cloud computing, real world implementations of distributed systems.
Prerequisites: Java Programming, Operating Systems Fundamentals, Networking Fundamentals.
Courses in Web Technologies and Information System Concentration
ITWE500 and ITWE510 Web Technology and Development I & II (4)
Study of current Web development technologies on both web server side and client side, programming development using XHTML, XML, CSS, Java script, PHP, JSP, Servlet.
Prerequisites: Data Structures, Java Programming.
ITWE520 Web Server System Design (4)
Study current trends of Web server system design and deployment of web-based systems using software engineering approach. Topics include JSP, Java Beans, Servlets, Struts, JSF, Ajax, Frameworks, and latest technology used in the Internet.
Prerequisites: Java Programming, Data Structures
ITWE530 Advanced Web Services and Programming (4)
Topics include service-oriented Web software development and programming, database access, 2- and 3-tier systems, objects and components, JAX-RPC, UDDI, WSDL, XML schema, SOAP, and RESTful.
Prerequisites: Java programming, Data Structures
ITWE540 E-Commerce System Development (4)
Topics include E-commerce concepts, e-business systems and models, e-commerce security problems and solutions, e-trading methods, business framework for e-commerce applications, and web advertising and marketing.
Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals or Instructor’s Consent.
Courses in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Concentration
ITDS500 Big Data (4 units) ITDS510 Data Mining (4 units)
These two courses covers skills of dealing with Big Data assets including data preprocessing, data mining and data visualization. ITDS500 is focusing on theories and IT structure setups using Hadoop and Spark while ITDS510 is focusing on data mining algorithms and implementations.
ITDS520 Statistical Computing with R (4 units)
Statistics is about extracting meaning from data. In this course, we will introduce techniques for visualizing relationships in data and systematic techniques for understanding the relationships using mathematics. Topics include: counting and combinatory, random variables, conditional probability, independence, distributions, expectation, point estimation, and limit theorems. Applications of probability in computer science including machine learning and the use of probability in the analysis of algorithms.
ITDS530 Machine Learning (4 units)
This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include:supervised learning (generative/discriminative learning, parametric/non-parametric learning, neural networks,support vector machines); unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, kernel methods); learning theory (bias/variance trade offs; VC theory; large margins); reinforcement learning and adaptive control. The course will also discuss recent applications of machine learning, such as to robotic control, data mining, autonomous navigation, bioinformatics, speech recognition, and text and web data processing.
ITDS540 Computer Vision (4 units)
Prerequisite: ITDS530
This course provides a broad introduction to computer vision. Topics include: Image processing technology with OpenCV, Image Classification with KNN, Image Segmentation, Style transfer with Convolution Neutral Networks (CNN), Image caption and understanding with Deep learning. This course will also introduce industry application of computer vision in Robotics, Drones, and VR/AR.
ITDS550 Natural Language Processing (4 units )
Prerequisite: ITDS530
Natural language processing (NLP) is one of the most important technologies of the information age. Understanding complex language utterances is also a crucial part of artificial intelligence. Applications of NLP are everywhere because people communicate most everything in language: web search, advertisement, emails, customer service, language translation, radiology reports, etc. There are a large variety of underlying tasks and machine learning models behind NLP applications. Recently, deep learning approaches have obtained very high performance across many different NLP tasks. These can solve tasks with single end-to-end models and do not require traditional, task-specific feature engineering. In this winter quarter course students will learn to implement, train, debug, visualize and invent their own neural network models. The course provides a thorough introduction to cutting-edge research in deep learning applied to NLP. On the model side we will cover word vector representations, window-based neural networks, recurrent neural networks, long-short-term-memory models, recursive neural networks, convolutional neural networks as well as some recent models involving a memory component. Through lectures and programming assignments students will learn the necessary engineering tricks for making neural networks work on practical problems.
ITDS560 Reinforcement Learning (4 units)
Prerequisite: ITDS530
To realize the dreams and impact of AI requires autonomous systems that learn to make good decisions. Reinforcement learning is one powerful paradigm for doing so, and it is relevant to an enormous range of tasks, including robotics, game playing, consumer modeling and healthcare. This class will provide a solid introduction to the field of reinforcement learning and students will learn about the core challenges and approaches, including generalization and exploration. Through a combination of lectures, and written and coding assignments, students will become well versed in key ideas and techniques for RL. Assignments will include the basics of reinforcement learning as well as deep reinforcement learning — an extremely promising new area that combines deep learning techniques with reinforcement learning. In addition, students will advance their understanding and the field of RL through an open ended project.
Courses in Computer and Data Security Concentration
ITSE500 Network Security II (4 units)
This course future discusses the network protocols for security systems and possible vulnerability and defense tools in the setting of cloud computing and distributed systems.
ITSE510 Cryptography (4 units)
This course covers both principles and practice of cryptography and network security. Topics covered include basic concepts of cryptology, classical ciphers, modern symmetric ciphers (DES, IDEA, RC5), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), public key cryptography, data integrity, digital signature schemes and network security practice.
ITSE520 Security Practice Labs (4 units)
This course offers real world penetration test practice and defense practice on the network.
ITSE530 Cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and smart contracts (4 units)
The potential applications for Bitcoin-like cryptocurrencies are enormous. The course will cover the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, and distributed consensus. Students will learn how these systems work and how to engineer secure software that interacts with the Bitcoin network and other cryptocurrencies. This course is intended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students.
ITSE540 Advanced Reading in Security (4 units)
This course provides up to date reading in papers in the topic of computer security.
Courses in Software Engineering Concentration
ITSE500 and ITSE510 Object-Oriented Design and Programming I & II (4)
Topics include object-oriented programming and design using the Java platform. MVC design patterns, Java threads, platform-independent programming, data base connectivity (JDBC), serialization, GUI Design.
Prerequisites: Java Programming, or Instructor’s consent.
ITSE520 Software Engineering (4)
Study the development of large software project with emphasis on the object-oriented design and implementation. Design methodologies including the Unified Modeling Language, and design patterns. Java will be used as the example in the implementation.
Prerequisites: Java Programming
ITSE530 Software Engineering Processes (4)
Topics will cover all the software development processes in software engineering. Detailed explanation of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) – requirements, system design, programs design, coding, unit testing, system test, system delivering, and system maintaining. Different process models of software life cycle in the software engineering are compared and contrasted.
Prerequisites: Data Structures
ITSE540 Software Quality Assurance and Testing (4)
Topics include software quality methodologies, inspections, static and dynamic test analysis, current advances in testing techniques.
Prerequisites: Data Structures
ITSE550 Enterprise Software Components development (4)
Application developments use component infrastructures, component frameworks; and integration techniques. Implementations use design patterns, UML modeling, database, user interface design, and component testing.
Prerequisites: Java Programming, Data Structures
ITSE560 Advanced Android Programming (4)
This course covers fundamentals of software development for Android platforms. Basic Java development concepts for Android will be covered. Additionally, excursions into advanced mobile device development topics will also be covered. These topics may include: Camera and Imaging API, OpenGL ES and 3D Rendering for Mobile Devices, FastCV for Computer Vision, NDK and Native Software Development on Android.
Prerequisites: Java Programming
ITSE570 Advanced IOS Programming (4)
Learn advanced techniques for iOS Application development using Objective-C. Topics covered include a review of iPhone programming fundamentals, Multi view Applications, Tab Bars, Pickers, Table Views, Navigation Controllers, iPad Considerations, incorporate Web Services, Core Data App Access, iCloud.
ITEC590 Algorithm Analysis (4)
This course introduces basic elements of the design and analysis of computer algorithms. Topics include asymptotic notations and analysis, divide and conquer, greedy methods and programming, basic graph algorithms, NP-completeness, approximation algorithms, and network flows analysis. For each topic, beside in-depth coverage, one or more representative problems and their algorithms shall be discussed. In addition to the design and analysis of algorithms, students are expected to gain substantial discrete mathematics problem solving skills essential for computer engineers.
ITEC570 Technology and Theology (2)
This course let students study technology and theology in both context in master level. On one hand, students study the meaning of technology from the viewpoint of theology. They study why God allowed technology to begin and used, and study how God plan technology to develop. On the other hand, student will learn technology used by individual Christians, Churches, Christian organizations or Christian companies. Students learn its history, how it contributes for the kingdom of God, what kind of problems is seen in the usage of technology and how to solve it.
ITEC660 Seminar (2)
This course will present current technology in the Computer Systems and Information Technology fields. Students can repeat this course up to four units.
Prerequisites: Permission from the instructor and/or the program director
MPI500 Ministry Practicum (4)
This course provides students ministry practice experience through participating real project in ministries affiliated with Olivet University during summer quarter. Please refer to the Ministry Practicum Handbook for detailed information.
ITMP501-603 Technology Practical Training I-VI (1 each)
The objective of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to gain work experience that will enhance and complement their academic learning. The course requirements are designed to provide a structure that will enable students to make connections between what they learn in the classroom and on the job, to apply Biblical principles to real life problems, to recognize the importance of self-discipline and service, to further develop analytical and interpersonal skills, and to practice business writing skills.
Weekly required interaction with faculty facilitates incorporation of on the job experiences into the learning process and challenges students to draw connections to courses in subjects across the curriculum.
This course requires concurrent employment in a qualifying position in the field of the program of at least 20 hours per week. The weekly faculty interaction will be provided at an evenings or weekend format in order to minimize scheduling conflicts.
Capstone Project Courses
ITCP600 Capstone Project I (2)
First phase of IT Capstone Project, which is designed to satisfy the requirements for a capstone experience of master’s degree in Information Technology. Student will identify capstone project topic, seek an advisor, write, and oral present and get approval a capstone project proposal by the end of the process. Refer to the Capstone Project Handbook for detailed information.
ITCP700 Capstone Project II (6)
Second phase of IT Capstone Project, which is designed to satisfy the requirements for a capstone experience of master’s degree in Information Technology. Students will develop and implement the capstone project, and writing a capstone project paper in this phase. Students must have passed ITCP600 IT Capstone Project I with an approved Capstone Project Proposal and register course ITCP700 IT Capstone Project II (6 credits) before starting this phase. Refer to the Capstone Project Handbook for detailed information.
ITCP710 Capstone Project III (4)
Continual phase of ITCP700 IT Capstone Project II. If IT Capstone II is not completed by the end of the quarter in which the student registers for credit, he/she will receive an incomplete ‘I’ grade for ITCP700. Students will register for ITCP710 Capstone Project III to continue. ITCP710 can be registered for up to 2 quarters. Refer to the Capstone Project Handbook for detailed information.
Online Education
Olivet Institute of Technology permits students to replace any course required for the completion of its degrees with the online course version of the same name and code from the Olivet University Ecampus online course offerings. Special permission is not required and courses can be seamlessly register in MyOlivet. OIT students, however, are required to take more than half of the coursework at Olivet University on campus.
Fully online Information Technology degrees, however, must be taken from OUI, the eCampus division of Olivet University.
The OUI online courses have the same course description and student learning outcome as residential courses, therefore, students may use credits earned via online education to complete degree requirements without any formal transfer request.
The Internet is a dynamic force at Olivet University, and it serves to unite our diverse international community. Olivet University’s online platform is supported by a large farm of Web servers configured to assure uninterrupted, around-the-clock operation. This online platform supports Olivet’s degree programs, which are taught by qualified instructors and administered by the Course Management System known as “MyOlivet” – a unique, high-performance, multi-user database management system created by Olivet University.
MyOlivet is designed to encourage user involvement and interaction. Its applications make for a high-quality course experience by allowing instructors to chart every assignment and activity in a given course, many of which can be evaluated electronically. In the same way, MyOlivet “student” pages facilitate academic discussion, interaction and community formation among Olivet University’s student users.
Student lessons, projects, or dissertations that are sent to Olivet University via the institution’s online platform will receive a response or evaluation within ten days of receipt.
Every course at Olivet University utilizes an online classroom environment, which enhances the learning experience for students and faculty making every day tasks such as assignment submissions, viewing the gradebook, or sharing digital content a breeze. Final grades and official communication as well as appeals have to go through the online classroom. Beyond this each faculty decides on the extent and frequency of classroom online utilization.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Database Management Systems (DBMS)
- Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
- Web and Mobile Development (WMDev)
- Security (SEC)
- Software Engineering Processes (SEP)
Labs and Centers
Olivet Artificial Intelligence Research Lab (OAIRL)
The goal of the OAIRL lab is to dramatically improve computing capability by reducing the cost and risk of designing custom silicon for new application areas. Our integrated 5-year research mission cuts across applications, programming systems, architecture, and hardware design and verification methodologies.
Olivet Lab for Computer Security (OLCS)
OLCS performs research at the intersection of computer security, online privacy, and human-computer interaction. Our goal is to understand how people make privacy and security decisions, and then use that understanding to construct more usable systems and interfaces.
Thang Duong
Ph.D., in Vision Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA (2007)
B.S., Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD (2001)
B.S., Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD (2001)
Jianhua Dong
Ph.D., Information Science, University of Illinois, IL (2000)
M.S., Information Science, Wuhan University, China (1985)
B.S., Computer Science, Wuhan University, China (1982)
Reza Sadoddin
Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada (2014)
M.S., Computer Science, University of New Brunswick Fredericton, Canada (2007)
B.S., Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Tehran, Iran (2002)
Rajan Thapaliya
Ph.D., Data Science - Northcentral University (2022)
M.S., Data Science - Northcentral University (2019)
B.S., Health Science - Southern New Hampshire University (2018)
Taegil Ha
Ph.D & M.S., Electrical & Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea (2024)
B.S., Electrical & Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea (2017)
Thomas Kong
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, CA (2012)
M. A., Information Technology, Olivet University, USA (2010)
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China (2007)
B.A., Electrical Information Engineering, Zhejiang University, China (2004)
Jianbin Lei
M.A., Information Technology, Olivet University, San Francisco, CA (2014)
M.S., Control Theory and Control Engineering, Northeastern University, China (2011)
B.S., Automation, Northeastern University, China (2009)
Yong Zhao
M.A., Information Technology, Olivet University, San Francisco, CA (2015)
B.S., Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China (2012)
Thomas Jae Hong Ha
D.Min., Olivet University (2020)
M.Div., Olivet University (2008)
M.E., Mechanical Engineering, Korea University, South Korea (1999)
B.E., Mechanical Engineering, Korea University, South Korea (1997)